Wrapping in tiled mode?

I was very excited to discover Aseprite to help with map tiles on a new game I’m making. The first thing I tried to do I’m struggling with. How can I make the tile wrap when I drag a selection off the edge? I want to place these trees on the corner but they get cropped:
Aseprite Wrap

Actually I just requested it as a feature lol, there is no way of doing that right now except if you copy the tree 4 times to each corner

and here’s the feature request: Feature Request: Make elements moved in tiled mode wrap around the edges of the canvas · Issue #4924 · aseprite/aseprite · GitHub

I’ve been researching this and the issue goes all the back to 2017, so doesn’t seem it will ever be fixed. Insane - because for a pixel art/tiling app it’s literally the first thing I tried to do and it doesn’t work. :frowning:

hey the same thing is happening with sound layers, one guy said he would try making it a feature and that was a long time ago