Drawing pie wedges

I’m looking for a script that will draw a pie wedge given a radius and begin/end angles. I need a script because I need to draw several hundred of them in different frames. Anyone know of a script that will do this?

See if this gives you an idea to work from:

local dlg = Dialog { title = "Pie Slice" }
dlg:slider { id = "startDeg", label = "Start:", min = 0, max = 360, value = 0 }
dlg:slider { id = "stopDeg", label = "Stop:", min = 0, max = 360, value = 90 }
dlg:number { id = "xCenter", label = "Pos:", text = "160" }
dlg:number { id = "yCenter", text = "90" }
dlg:number { id = "radius", label = "Radius:", text = "50" }
dlg:slider { id = "resolution", label = "Res:", min = 3, max = 360, value = 360 }
dlg:color { id = "strokeColor", label = "Stroke:", color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255) }
dlg:color { id = "fillColor", label = "Fill:", color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255) }
dlg:button { id = "okButton", text = "&OK", onclick = function()
    local sprite = app.sprite
    if not sprite then return end

    local brsh = Brush { size = 1 }
    local frame = app.frame or sprite.frames[1]
    local layer = app.layer or sprite.layers[1]

    local args <const> = dlg.data
    local startDeg, stopDeg = args.startDeg --[[@as integer]],
        args.stopDeg --[[@as integer]]
    local xCenter, yCenter = args.xCenter --[[@as integer]],
        args.yCenter --[[@as integer]]
    local radius = args.radius --[[@as number]]
    local sectors = math.max(3, args.resolution --[[@as integer]])
    local strokeColor, fillColor = args.strokeColor --[[@as Color]],
        args.fillColor --[[@as Color]]

    local startDegVerif = startDeg % 360
    local stopDegVerif = stopDeg % 360
    local arcLenDeg = (stopDegVerif - startDegVerif) % 360

    local docPrefs = app.preferences.document(sprite)
    local symmetryPrefs = docPrefs.symmetry
    local oldSymmetry = symmetryPrefs.mode or 0 --[[@as integer]]
    symmetryPrefs.mode = 0

    if arcLenDeg < 1 then
        local topLeft = Point(xCenter - radius, yCenter - radius)
        local bottomRight = Point(xCenter + radius, yCenter + radius)

        app.transaction("Arc", function()
            app.useTool {
                tool = "filled_ellipse",
                brush = brsh,
                color = fillColor,
                frame = frame,
                layer = layer,
                ink = Ink.SIMPLE,
                points = { topLeft, bottomRight }

            app.useTool {
                tool = "ellipse",
                brush = brsh,
                color = strokeColor,
                frame = frame,
                layer = layer,
                ink = Ink.SIMPLE,
                points = { topLeft, bottomRight }
        local arcLen1 = arcLenDeg / 360.0
        local reqSectors = math.ceil(1 + sectors * arcLen1)
        local toStep = 1.0 / (reqSectors - 1.0)

        local origRadians = startDegVerif * math.pi / 180.0
        local destRadians = stopDegVerif * math.pi / 180.0

        ---@type Point[]
        local vs = {}
        local lenVs = 0
        local xSum, ySum = 0, 0

        lenVs = lenVs + 1
        vs[lenVs] = Point(xCenter, yCenter)
        xSum, ySum = xSum + xCenter, ySum + yCenter

        local i = 0
        while i < reqSectors do
            local step = i * toStep
            local theta = (1.0 - step) * origRadians + step * destRadians
            local cosa = math.cos(-theta)
            local sina = math.sin(-theta)
            local x = math.floor(xCenter + radius * cosa)
            local y = math.floor(yCenter + radius * sina)
            xSum, ySum = xSum + x, ySum + y
            lenVs = lenVs + 1
            vs[lenVs] = Point(x, y)
            i = i + 1

        local xAvg = math.floor(xSum / reqSectors)
        local yAvg = math.floor(ySum / reqSectors)
        local fillTarget = Point(xAvg, yAvg)

        local paintPrefs = app.preferences.tool("paint_bucket")
        local floodPrefs = paintPrefs.floodfill
        local oldStopAtGrid = floodPrefs.stop_at_grid or 0 --[[@as integer]]
        local oldReferTo = floodPrefs.refer_to or 0 --[[@as integer]]
        local oldPxMatrix = floodPrefs.pixel_connectivity or 0 --[[@as integer]]
        floodPrefs.stop_at_grid = 0       -- Never
        floodPrefs.refer_to = 0           -- Active Layer
        floodPrefs.pixel_connectivity = 0 -- Four connected

        app.transaction("Arc", function()
            local vPrev = vs[lenVs]
            local j = 0
            while j < lenVs do
                j = j + 1
                local vCurr = vs[j]
                app.useTool {
                    tool = "line",
                    brush = brsh,
                    color = strokeColor,
                    frame = frame,
                    layer = layer,
                    ink = Ink.SIMPLE,
                    points = { vPrev, vCurr }
                vPrev = vCurr

            app.useTool {
                tool = "paint_bucket",
                brush = brsh,
                color = fillColor,
                contiguous = true,
                frame = frame,
                ink = Ink.SIMPLE,
                layer = layer,
                points = { fillTarget },
                tolerance = 0,

        floodPrefs.stop_at_grid = oldStopAtGrid
        floodPrefs.refer_to = oldReferTo
        floodPrefs.pixel_connectivity = oldPxMatrix

    symmetryPrefs.mode = oldSymmetry
end }
dlg:button { id = "cancelButton", text = "&CANCEL" }
dlg:show { wait = false }

app.useTool is not reliable, so I’ll emphasize that this is a hack. It draws short little line segments to make a polygon that approximates an arc. Then, it finds a center from the average of all vertices and calls the paint bucket to make a fill. [Edit: Such an approach is more for regular convex shapes than arcs.]