Palette organizarion problem

Hi there :wave: actually I had some ideas to create an alternative 2D view of the palette (and tiles), so we could re-arrange colors (and tiles) moving then around. (Keeping indexes fixed.) I guess the “swapping” feature is an easy workaround to replace the content where the palette entries/tiles are dropped.

Still have to think about:

  1. How should be the exact UI (how to switch between both views, how to “paint” in the 2D view)
  2. How should palette groups be handled in both cases (linear and 2D), maybe only visible on linear (as in a 2D grid it’s easier to make groups)
  3. How to store the 2D information (maybe a cel chunk)

Basically the 2D view would be quite similar to an editor, but:

  1. Clicking a pixel/color/tile would drag&drop the pixel/color/tile (we should be able to repeat the same color/tile in several positions too)
  2. The editable surface will be a hidden cel separated from the sprite, that shares the same palette/tileset that the current sprite layer.
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