Question about Camera and tweening

Hello. I would like to ask if theres any way to animate the camera ? and also is there any tweening option ? Thanks.

Aseprite has no concept of a camera, and thus no way to move it. To move the camera, you would have to move the cels. Someone recently posted a script to animate motion along paths, which can make this less tedious. I’m not sure how it works exactly, so I don’t know whether you can add “camera” motion to an existing animation, or whether you have to do the “camera” animation first, and then animate the contents.

There is no tweening built-in, but the nxPA Studio set of scripts features a tweening script that does a basic linear interpolation between frames.

Hello Max_Gaming. eishiya is right. Aseprite has no camera concept… yet (check it), and the path animator script can be used do that easily for simple things, but can be tedious if you want some parallax effect, accuracy and control of the camera’s field of view.
I think this feature can be done with a script. I’ll think about it and write again here.

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@Gasparoken, @eishiya Thats bad. Thanks for replies anyway.