local sprite = app.activeSprite
if not sprite then return end
local frame = app.activeFrame
if not frame then return end
local spriteWidth = sprite.width
local spriteHeight = sprite.height
local docPref = app.preferences.document(sprite)
local bgPref = docPref.bg
local bgGridSize = bgPref.size
local wGrid = bgGridSize.width
local hGrid = bgGridSize.height
if wGrid < 2 then wGrid = 2 end
if hGrid < 2 then hGrid = 2 end
local aCheckerAse = bgPref.color1
local bCheckerAse = bgPref.color2
local aCheckHex = aCheckerAse.rgbaPixel
local bCheckHex = bCheckerAse.rgbaPixel
aCheckHex = 0xff000000 | aCheckHex
bCheckHex = 0xff000000 | bCheckHex
local dlg = Dialog { title = "Preview" }
dlg:canvas {
width = 128,
height = 128,
onpaint = function(event)
local img = Image(spriteWidth, spriteHeight)
-- Alternatively, try img:clear with
-- app.theme.color.window_face.rgbaPixel
local pxItr = img:pixels()
for pixel in pxItr do
local hex = bCheckHex
local x = pixel.x
local y = pixel.y
if (((x // wGrid) + (y // hGrid)) % 2) ~= 1 then
hex = aCheckHex
local flatSprite = Image(spriteWidth, spriteHeight)
flatSprite:drawSprite(sprite, frame)
Point(0, 0),
local gc = event.context
gc:drawImage(img, 0, 0)
dlg:show { wait = false }
I’ve dabbled in a custom preview, and realize that there are a lot of tradeoffs between performance v. updating after user inputs, so caveat emptor, the script is sloppy. Some variables you may want to cache up top, others may need to be updated with every canvas repaint. Nevertheless, hopefully it gives you an idea of what I mean.
Hi @MM102, definitely a bug in the GraphicsContext:drawImage() function, but the version with srcRect and dstRect should work if the image (png) is in RGB mode:
local gc = ev.context
local rc = img_logo.bounds
gc.blendMode = BlendMode.SRC_OVER
gc:drawImage(img_logo, rc, Rectangle(0, 0, rc.w, rc.h))