Basic Layer Mask Script

Hi all,

I was looking into how to clip or mask one layer by another using a script. Here’s some r&d I’m passing along. Three prior threads on the subject are: one, two, three. If you can get what you want with the magic wand tool, replace color, alpha lock ink or other built-in tool, no need to read on.

The script has a bunch of limitations, such as not handling group layers, tilemaps or blend modes, only working in RGB color mode, only 2 layers at a time, etc.

The idea is to find an intersection – if any – between two cel images in layers n and n-1.


The blue rectangle in layer n is the mask, the red rectangle in layer n-1 is the source. The purple intersection is at the maximum of the top-left corners and the minimum of the bottom-right corners. The script creates a new cel at the intersection where non-transparent pixels from the blue rectangle adopt the color of the red.

The Rectangle class has methods to find the intersection. Also, this is why trimming cel images of excess alpha is helpful.

local targets = { "ACTIVE", "ALL", "RANGE" }

local defaults = {
    target = "RANGE",
    delOverLayer = false,
    delUnderLayer = false,
    pullFocus = false

local dlg = Dialog { title = "Layer Mask" }

dlg:combobox {
    id = "target",
    label = "Target:",
    option =,
    options = targets

dlg:newrow { always = false }

dlg:check {
    id = "delOverLayer",
    label = "Delete:",
    text = "Mask",
    selected = defaults.delOverLayer

dlg:check {
    id = "delUnderLayer",
    text = "Source",
    selected = defaults.delUnderLayer

dlg:newrow { always = false }

dlg:button {
    id = "confirm",
    text = "&OK",
    focus = defaults.pullFocus,
    onclick = function()
        local activeSprite = app.activeSprite
        if not activeSprite then
            app.alert("There is no active sprite.")

        local colorMode = activeSprite.colorMode
        if colorMode ~= ColorMode.RGB then
            app.alert("Only RGB color mode is supported.")

        local overLayer = app.activeLayer
        if not overLayer then
            app.alert("There is no active layer.")

        local overIndex = overLayer.stackIndex
        if overIndex < 2 then
            app.alert("There must be a layer beneath the active layer.")

        -- A parent may be a sprite or a group layer.
        -- Over and under layer should belong to same group.
        local parent = overLayer.parent
        local underIndex = overIndex - 1
        local underLayer = parent.layers[underIndex]

        if overLayer.isGroup or underLayer.isGroup then
            app.alert("Group layers are not supported.")

        -- Cache global functions used in loop.
        local min = math.min
        local max = math.max

        -- Unpack arguments.
        local args =
        local target = or
        local delOverLayer = args.delOverLayer
            and (not overLayer.isReference)
        local delUnderLayer = args.delUnderLayer
            and (not underLayer.isBackground)
            and (not underLayer.isReference)

        local frames = {}
        if target == "ACTIVE" then
            local activeFrame = app.activeFrame
            if activeFrame then
                frames[1] = activeFrame
        elseif target == "RANGE" then
            local appRange = app.range
            local rangeFrames = appRange.frames
            local rangeFramesLen = #rangeFrames
            for i = 1, rangeFramesLen, 1 do
                frames[i] = rangeFrames[i]
            local activeFrames = activeSprite.frames
            local activeFramesLen = #activeFrames
            for i = 1, activeFramesLen, 1 do
                frames[i] = activeFrames[i]

        -- Unpack layer opacity.
        local overLyrOpacity = overLayer.opacity
        local underLyrOpacity = underLayer.opacity

        -- Create new layer.
        local compLayer = activeSprite:newLayer() = string.format("Comp.%s.%s",
        compLayer.parent = parent

        local framesLen = #frames
            for i = 1, framesLen, 1 do
                local frame = frames[i]
                local overCel = overLayer:cel(frame)
                local underCel = underLayer:cel(frame)
                if overCel and underCel then
                    local overImg = overCel.image
                    local overPos = overCel.position
                    local xTlOver = overPos.x
                    local yTlOver = overPos.y

                    local widthOver = overImg.width
                    local heightOver = overImg.height
                    local xBrOver = xTlOver + widthOver
                    local yBrOver = yTlOver + heightOver

                    local underImg = underCel.image
                    local underPos = underCel.position
                    local xTlUnder = underPos.x
                    local yTlUnder = underPos.y

                    local widthUnder = underImg.width
                    local heightUnder = underImg.height
                    local xBrUnder = xTlUnder + widthUnder
                    local yBrUnder = yTlUnder + heightUnder

                    -- Find intersection of over and under.
                    local xTlTarget = max(xTlOver, xTlUnder)
                    local yTlTarget = max(yTlOver, yTlUnder)
                    local xBrTarget = min(xBrOver, xBrUnder)
                    local yBrTarget = min(yBrOver, yBrUnder)

                    -- Intersection may be empty (invalid).
                    if xBrTarget > xTlTarget and yBrTarget > yTlTarget then

                        local overCelOpacity = overCel.opacity
                        local underCelOpacity = underCel.opacity
                        local overCompOpacity = (overLyrOpacity * overCelOpacity) // 0xff
                        local underCompOpacity = (underLyrOpacity * underCelOpacity) // 0xff

                        local widthTarget = xBrTarget - xTlTarget
                        local heightTarget = yBrTarget - yTlTarget
                        local trgImage = Image(widthTarget, heightTarget)
                        local trgPos = Point(xTlTarget, yTlTarget)

                        local trgItr = trgImage:pixels()
                        for elm in trgItr do
                            local xSprite = elm.x + xTlTarget
                            local ySprite = elm.y + yTlTarget

                            local xOver = xSprite - xTlOver
                            local yOver = ySprite - yTlOver
                            local overHex = overImg:getPixel(xOver, yOver)
                            local overAlpha = (overHex >> 0x18) & 0xff
                            overAlpha = (overAlpha * overCompOpacity) // 0xff

                            if overAlpha > 0 then
                                local xUnder = xSprite - xTlUnder
                                local yUnder = ySprite - yTlUnder
                                local underHex = underImg:getPixel(xUnder, yUnder)
                                local underAlpha = (underHex >> 0x18) & 0xff
                                underAlpha = (underAlpha * underCompOpacity) // 0xff

                                local compAlpha = (overAlpha * underAlpha) // 0xff
                                local compHex = (compAlpha << 0x18)
                                    | (underHex & 0x00ffffff)

                            compLayer, frame,
                            trgImage, trgPos)

        if delOverLayer then activeSprite:deleteLayer(overLayer) end
        if delUnderLayer then activeSprite:deleteLayer(underLayer) end
        app.activeLayer = compLayer


dlg:button {
    id = "cancel",
    text = "&CANCEL",
    onclick = function()

dlg:show { wait = false }

I usually regret posting a duplicate script because a week later I realize there’s some overlooked problem. :stuck_out_tongue: But anyway, the benefit is someone doesn’t have to download a lot of Lua scripts to use and/or develop one script. The longer-term version is on Github.

Here is a use case:

The first image from the left is the gradient with the color I want clipped. The second is a radial gradient from transparent to opaque. The third is a hexagon. In the fourth image, the layer mask script is used to cut out the hexagon from the radial gradient. The intersection is then used to mask out the color gradient for the final image.

The script was also handy when applying a gradient or pattern to text with anti-aliasing (from Edit > Insert Text).

I found it could improve the visuals of a baked onion skin as well.


I used an animation of Makoto and Ibuki from I assume Street Fighter III. The original was found here. In the background, I created a linear gradient from #8ffffe on the left to #7b0214 on the right. The onion skin – with no tinting – was used to cut out silhouettes from the gradient. The onion skin was then placed over the gradient silhouettes and its layer opacity reduced.

You could probably modify this so the script reads a black-to-white scale from the mask instead of alpha. However, I find that gets bogged down in the question of which greyscale conversion is preferred. I found it easy enough to invert a mask by going to Edit > Invert ... and selecting only the alpha channel; so I didn’t consider adding it to the script.
