Replace Color: Where is the "Apply to all frames in the active layer" button?

I’m specifically referring to this button: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I can’t find anything about why it wouldn’t be in the version that I am using (

Can anyone help me locate the button or tell me what the new method for applying colors changes for all frames is?


I hadn’t realised this had changed either, but I worked it out.
Select your layer, click and drag to select the frames you want to change colour on, and then proceed with Change Color as before.

edit: actually, using i again later on today, i also realised that you have to have the original colour as the foreground colour, or it just will not work.

I’m preparing a fix to this (bringing back a simpler version of the button), but at the moment you can select all layers and use Replace Color to replace the color in whole sprite. (You can Shift+click the layer where you want to see the Preview too.)




Wow, you addressed/fixed that at a breakneck pace. Thank you @dacap! <3

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@Decap!!! this tool is awesome!

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